Displayed Functions

  1. Hours
  2. Minutes
  3. Seconds
  4. Lunar phases


This watch is automatic, that is, it winds up automatically when worn. When the watch has not been worn for a long time, it is necessary to perform a manual winding. A complete manual winding of the watch requires approximately 65 revolutions of the winding crown (clockwise). The watch can be wound at any time.

Manual Winding

Unscrew the crown before using It is done by turning the winding crown clockwise.

Correction of Lunar Cycle indication

To make changes, it is necessary to pull the winding crown in the intermediate position (1st notch) and to turn it, counterclockwise, until the lunar phase (1) indication is correct. Moon phase setting: From time to time or if the watch has not been worn for a long time, it is necessary to adjust the moon phase by turning the crown counterclockwise until the moon phase is correct again.